I Think Schools Should Spend More Money On Recess Equipment

I think schools should spend more money on recess equipment because without good equipment kids can’t play with what they want to play with. Getting better sports equipment can also help kids exercise and it can entertain them so that they are not on electronics 24/7.

My first reason why I think schools should spend more money on recess equipment is because they might not want to play with a certain thing or the school might not have it. The recess equipment gets old over time and it might not be safe for little kids to climb around on. Playground equipment is also made of metal and if a kid falls and hits their head on metal that can hurt then really bad. Playground also has really high platforms and if a kid falls off they are going to get severely injured. My second reason why I think schools should spend more money on recess equipment is that it can help kids get exercise and it can lead them to go outside and play more. Getting new recess equipment can entice them to play more and it can give them a break from learning. Now recess equipment can also help kids learn new skills. My third reason why I think schools should spend more money on recess equipment is that it can help kids not be on electronics and video games 24/7. Getting new recess equipment can help kids improve their health and their muscle strength. Getting new recess equipment can help improve kids’ attention and can help their anxiety.

Those are all the reasons why I think schools should spend more money on recess equipment because kids will want to play more and it can help them get exercise and it can lead them to be happy and not have anxiety. It can also lead them to not be on electronics 24/7.

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